Sunday 9 June 2013

Summer Haul/Must Haves - #1

Hey guys!

So a while ago it was my birthday and I was very lucky to have some vouchers and money to spend afterwards and have been going shopping quite a lot lately! So I thought that because there's so much stuff to share I should probably do it in individual posts every couple of days! 

Here is my first itemm!

Topshop Denim Skater Skirt - £20;
This is possibly one of my favourite items I got! It's so comfy and can be dressed up or down, I will  be getting a lot of use out of this skirt this summer! And while £20 might seem like a lot, it feels very high quality and is a definite staple for summer - well worth the money! I LOVE IT! 
I got very snap happy with this skirt, but I wanted to be sure I captured its floatyness and had a great time doing the photo-shoot with my sister Lucy on my new camera! I love wearing this with crop tops but you could also tuck baggier tops in and that looks great too.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Have you got a denim skater skirt? What do you love wearing it with and for?



  1. I saw this skirt on Topshop's website and literally fell in love with it I want it so bad!

    x Elise

    1. I love it so much! I can't stop wearing it, it's well worth the money

      Charlotte xxx


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