Saturday 9 March 2013

Liebster Award

 I would like to take this opportunity to thank this lovely blogger for nominating me for this (Be Beautiful ), and also for opening my eyes to this whole competition, I love discovering new blogs and this is a great way to do so! Also thank you for reading my blog everybody because it really means the world to me

Animation taken from google.images

 1. Share 11 things about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions that your tagger has given you.
3. Choose 11 fellow blogs to nominate. The nominees must have under 200 Google Friend Connect followers and be told in a comment on their blog.
4. Think of 11 questions to ask the bloggers you have nominated.
5. Thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog.

11 Things About Myself
1. I am a shopaholic, I need better money management but when I see that sale sign or new beauty product, I MUST HAVE IT

2.  I may be small but I have big dreams and one day I hope to live in LA for a year

3. I could spend all of the money in the world on clothes and makeup

4. My favourite lessons in school are Textiles and Art :)

5. I enjoy tidying my makeup and my room, I love finding new ways to present beauty products and accessories

6. I am extremely clumsy, I can barely do anything without hurting myself someway haha! I once tried texting as I went down the stairs, well, let's just say I landed in a heap on the floor at the bottom...

7. I have a few plans for tattoos that I wish to get when I'm older but my phobia of needles is a big barrier!

8.  I love discovering things (such as clothing brands), I also love discovering them first ;)

9. Lot's of foods send me hyper! Skittles would be a perfect example (heavenly sweets we get here in the UK)

10. I have apparently got a big sense of humour and also find so many things funny, little things please me :)

My 11 Answers;

My favourite season is Summer, nothing beats going to the beach on a hot day in our campervan (called BOB)
If you mean my favourite make up product, then eyeliner, eye shadow or mascara - you can use them to create  so many different looks
My favourite makeup look is probably a casual smokey eye
I started blogging to share my love of fashion, beauty and photography with you lovely people, I need to get some use out of the products I buy haha
I have so many idols, I could never pick one! 
I don't really have a favourite feature, I could easily change all of the parts of my body, but I do love my hair and how I never have to dye it
My favourite brand of clothing is Topshop, they have the best clothing!
 My favourite beauty guru would probably have to be Tanya Burr, but it's so hard - there are so many I love
I do have pets, I have 2 beautiful bunnies, 3 chickens and we will be getting a puppy this summer- I am so excited!
I find it so hard to pick favourites of things, but my favourite brand might be one like Little Mix or The Black Eyed Peas
My favourite movie is without a doubt Mean Girls, I can probably recite it but every time it gets better!

11 Blogs I Nominate (No particular order);

11 Questions For My Nominees;

1. Favourite makeup brand?
2. Favourite shop?
3. Your best piece of clothing (that you wear the most)?
4. How much is the most you have ever spent on an item if clothing or accessory?
5. The item of makeup you could not live without?
6. Your celebrity girl idol/crush?
7. Dream job?
8. Your favourite beauty blogger?
9. Item of clothing you could not live without?
10. If you could watch any runway show, which would it be?
11. Favourite eye makeup look?

Thanks for reading :)

Charlotte xxx


  1. Thank you so much for the nomination!
    -Lizzie xxxx

  2. thankyou for nominating me!, I'll do the post soon:-)x

    1. That's ok! I look forward to hearing from you :)
      Charlotte xxx

  3. Thanks so much for thinking of me, Charlotte! :) xoxo

  4. Thankyou so much for nominating me, means so much<3

  5. Thank you so much for nominating me. I loved reading your post! :)

    1. That's okay, I loved reading your blog too :)

      Charlotte xxx

  6. Congratulations on your award :) I love skittles too, so yummy x

    1. Thank you! Not only are they yummy they are sooo addictive!
      Charlotte xxx

  7. Congratulation for the award <3
    Following u dear :)


Thank you for commenting on my blog! I read every comment you lovely people write and reply to as many as possible!